Monday 25 October 2010

♥ Charger ♥

Pepagi alam nie aku nak membebel lar lama rasanya tak membebel
gini aku nak mencari extra charge dengan car charge
tujuan nya ialah senang bila emergency
yang car charge tu memang dah lama aku nak beli tapi nak keluarkan
modal untuk kesemua handphone aku boleh muntah pink kejap
coz banyak model and banyak charge makin bertambah serabut
dan berselerak kereta aku coz banyak sangat so fikir balik urmm tak pe lar
kat umah jek lar cas penuh bila nak tido so dapat tahan 2 or 3 days
tapi kalau iphone memang kem salam aje lar ek malam nak tido charge penuh
nanti esok tinggal separuh coz dah kena sapu main game oleh anak-anak
hurmmm gasak lar i tak kesah sebab ada kat rumah tak yah fikir sangat
time bebudak ada memang lar syok main game tapi bila bebudak dah balek
nak main game pon tak berapa nak best tapi walau macam mana sekali pon
tak main game serve tenet guna iphone batery pon boleh tahan laju
macam air ajekk coz aku pernah guna iphone pak tam so menyumpah kejap
dalam hati yek eley pe hal lar plak tu yang sikit hari aku boikot iphone hehehhe
disebabkan oleh beli sim card tenet prepaid itu yang nak guna iphone pak tam
tapi sis pon nak guna tu yang merengek-rengek nak beli hahahhaha dasat tak...??
now bila dah ada own sendiri hahaha baru taw rasanya aritu siap kutuk sis
kata tak nak lar ini lar itu lar sekali kena perli dengan mum hahhahaha mum pon
bersuara cakap kat aku dulu tak nak beli kata ini lah itu lah asal sekarang nak beli
aku pon tak tahu ek nape sampai macam gitu perubahan sedangkan dulu memang
aku dah set tak nak guna iphone lar ini lar itu lar bermacam-macam alasan
tapi ok ingat balik guna prepaid tenet so misalan kata holiday dalam Malaysia
boleh lar main game farmville ok tujuan aku memula itu main game farmville
sebab aku nak cari handphone untuk internet poyoss tak...???
tapi bila dah lelama jadi gian main game lepas main game kat iphone kazen
masa tu otak aku fikir tak ley nak masukkan theme tak ley gunakan ringtone
sendiri itu lar sebabnya tapi ntah bila aku dah jemu itu semua aku bukak
handphone keluarkan simcard letak atas printer hah paling beshhh sekali aku buat
sebab otak dah tak tahu nak guna kan handphone apa....hahhahahha
ok berbalik cerita charge itu memula aku ingat nak beli yang wii ker mii tu kan
ada kat pasaran pasal benda alah itu memula aku just ohh okey harga
pon dalam 200 ++ nie lagi duit pokai seyyy then dulu pak tam ada guna
bila batery tak de gunakan itu untuk macam emergency lar aku pon
cakap dengan sis tak pe pas iphone dah sampai kita pi beli sekali
pegawai maxis kata kalau boleh beli charge original jangan beli yang bese
pernah jadi kat one customer nie dia beli car charge yang bese start
engine plug in kebabommmmm iphone dia jahanam
kecut seyyy dengar terus batalkan niat nak beli then hasut pak tam
suruh gunakan jugak kan best reramai pakai iphone then pak tam cakap
kat mana ley cari car charge suruh aku survey then aku teringat
balik kata-kata pegawai maxis itu terus aku cakap jangan lar baik beli
original walau bontot sakit nak beli tapi demi keselamatan dah ler nak beli
iphone pon susah + lambat la nie bila dah ada dalam gengaman plssss
lar nak kena jaga baik-baik ini handphone bukan jenis bese-bese punya
ooo hohohooho aku kena pergi Machine Apple dekat City Square untuk
bertanya aku rasa mesti dalam 2oo ++ ke atas sebab original right
urmmm harus kena bertanya betol-betol aku pon tak sure lar berapa
2 charge berlainan iaitu car charge dengan charge extra yang sentiasa kena
simpan dalam beg untuk emergency sekiranya berada di luar rumah dan tidak
ada dalam kenderaan psiko jek bunyi nya kan tapi itu ler keselamatan
aku baca kat forum then dowang just cakap lar 1 charge kat rumah 1 lagik kat
office nasib baik tak lagik 1 kat rumah mak mertua hehehehhehehe
nak gunakan charge ipod nano memang boleh tapi kalau boleh aku nak guna
asing-asing ipod nano nya charge khas untuk ipod nano iphone nya charge khas
untuk iphone supaya senang dan tidak ada masalah yang memeninkan kepala
pssttt korang tengok lar aku paste article pasal burn charge ngeri jugak ek
benda-benda sebegini walaupon handphone SE, Nokia, LG, Samsung pon
pernah berlaku kes sebegini dan kebanyakkan jadi macam gini bila beli
charge yang murah a.k.a. bukan original murah memang lar murah tapi
bila charge burn and berlaku kerosakkan pada handphone parah seyyy
dah ler kena hantar servis centre untuk membaik pulih kan handphone
itu pon kalau dapat baik pulih kalau tak boleh kata buang dalam tong sampah
tak ke melalak rasanya....???????

In a bit of news from the "don't touch it" department, Boy Genius Report… reports… that a user's iPhone 4 caught fire during the connection/recharging process, resulting in slight burns to the person's hand.

How the heck did this happen? Apparently, said user brought a malfunctioning iPhone 4 into an AT&T store in the hopes that he or she could exchange it for a working model. The allegedly "brand-new" iPhone 4 got strapped into a common computer with the USB cord that was shipped with the device. And then it burst into flames, reports a source at AT&T.

According to an equally anonymous Apple Store contact, the phone's USB port was apparently to blame for the pyrotechnic display. The USB port itself suffered minor damage in the incident while the cord itself, as shown below, was thoroughly torched.

This isn't the first time that an iPhone has gotten hotter than expected as a result of its USB-based connection to a system. Back in March 2009, blogger Tim Colbourne out of Rome, Italy plugged his iPhone 3G into his computer's USB port for a quick bit of recharging. A few hours later, this was the result he came back to.

"The fire started in the space between the lead and the phone, and resulted in a couple of pins fusing together," wrote Colbourne. "Although the main functions of the phone are apparently unaffected, the device won't connect to the PC which means I can neither charge it nor transfer data. Result: one dead iPhone."

For what it's worth, even Colbourne himself has trouble finding reports of similar iPhone-based flame-ups. Gizmodo ran a story back in July 2009 about an iPhone 3G allegedly burning a crater-sized hole in someone's car seat, but the accuracy of the photo in question remains suspect—many claim it's the work of creative Photoshopping, nothing more.

Given that the aforementioned iPhone 4's bezel allegedly got extremely hot to the touch during the whole process, it stands that an unnaturally hot casing might be an excellent warning sign of an impending problem during the charging process. Try not to burn your fingers… or your thigh.

click sumber

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