Wednesday 1 June 2011

♥ Case Contact Lens ♥

Chantek seyyy case-case contact lens nie mana nak carik ek...??
any idea...????

Dulu aku gunakan contact lens yang colorless bila use ajek mesti rasa
macam tak selesa sebab can use sampai setahun hoccay...
then tengok kat majalah so pergi lah cari Alhamdulilah basuh bersih-bersih
bila use mata selesa then setiap 3 bulan...3 bulan kena change sepit
dengan apa benda ntah tu memang kena change so masa pak tam kahwin
tahun 2008 nak cepat bersihkan contact lens bek disebabkan dah kelam kabut
sampai koyak contact lens bek wawawaawa so korang can view lah
saja ajek letak gambar biar ke bawah hehehhee
so tadi before lunch google jap case-case untuk contact lens so la nie
aku nak post kat sini plak hehhehee....

Products- User Guide

1. Take out contact lens using finger
2. Take out lens basket from cup
3. Put your right eyes contact lens into top compartment of the basket
4. Put your left contact lens into bottom compartment of the basket

Put the basket back to the cup and fill in Multi Purpose Solution

until fully submerge.

Notes: You can use any type or brand of multipurpose solution

except ‘Hydrogen Peroxide'


Insert the lens case back to the cleaning slot and close the cap



Press START button once to initiate cleaning. It will stop

automatically in 3 minutes


After cleaning, you should change to new solution before soaking

contact lens overnight in lens case

Syukur Padamu Ya Allah, makbulkan doa seorang ibu, doa seorang adik....

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