Thursday 1 July 2010

♥ Rest In Peace Park Yong Ha ♥

Pelakon popular Korea Selatan yang membintangi drama bersiri popular Winter Sonata, Park Yong -ha ditemui mati di kediamannya dengan petunjuk mengatakan dia membunuh diri, hari ini.

Agensi berita Yonhap melaporkan, pihak polis memberitahu Park Yong-ha, 33, didapati menggantung diri di kediamannya di Seoul.

Park didapati menggantungkan diri menggunakan wayar pengecas bateri telefon bimbit. Bagaimanapun pihak polis masih menyiasat punca kematian pelakon kacak itu.

Park mula terkenal pada lewat tahun 1990-an dan semakin dikenali ramai termasuk di Malaysia apabila drama Winter Sonata mendapat sambutan menggalakkan di beberapa negara termasuk Malaysia.

Winter Sonata mencetuskan fenomena terhadap kegilaan penonton terhadap drama bersiri dari negara itu.

Dia yang juga seorang penyanyi pernah mengadakan konsert besar di Korea dan Jepun. Park mempunyai ramai peminat wanita termasuk golongan orang kenamaan.

Yonhap melaporkan, tiada nota bunuh diri ditemui tetapi pihak polis mengatakan Park ada menghantar pesanan ringkas meminta maaf kepada ayahnya yang sedang sakit kerana menghidap kanser perut sebelum itu.

Ada juga sumber mengatakan aktor itu seorang yang rajin merawat bapanya dan dia juga mengambil pil tidur kerana menghidap insomnia.

SEOUL, 30 JUN 2010: Pelakon drama bersiri Winter Sonata, Park Yong-Ha ditemui mati tidak bernyawa di kediamannya di Nonhyung-dong, Seoul. Pihak polis percaya, Park mati akibat bunuh diri. Tubuh Park telah ditemui sekitar jam 5.30 pagi (waktu tempatan di sana) hari ini, oleh ibunya sendiri.

Laporan Yonhap News hari ini menyebut, keluarganya mendakwa sebelum membunuh diri, aktor dan penyanyi top Korea Selatan sempat mengirimkan SMS kepada ayahnya yang sedang bertarung dengan sakit kanser perut.

SMS yang dihantar itu berbunyi: "I'm Sorry. I'm Sorry".

Park yang kini berusia 33 tahun bagaimanapun tidak meninggalkan sebarang surat perpisahan.

Menurut pihak polis Metropolitan Seoul pula, Park telah membunuh diri dengan menggantungkan dirinya menggunakan kabel charger telefon bimbit. Namun, motif di sebalik tindakannya membunuh diri itu masih tidak diketahui lagi.

Hingga saat ini, pihak polis masih lagi melakukan penyelidikan lebih lanjut tentang tragedi yang mengejutkan itu.

Park memulakan kerjaya seninya bermula pada tahun 1994. Namun, namanya mula meningkat naik di Korea dan Jepun setelah dia membintangi drama bersiri Winter Sonata pada 2002.

Lanjutan daripada itu, Park turut membintangi 3 buah filem. Yang terakhir adalah The Scam yang telah ditayangkan pada 2009.

Tidak hanya setakat itu, Park juga popular sebagai penyanyi. Selain melancarkan beberapa album di Kora dan Jepun, dia juga pernah memenangi beberapa anugerah seperti Japan Gold Disc Awards bagi kategori Artis Asian Terbaik, Lagu Sepanjang Tahun serta Anugerah Istimewa Japan-Korea Friendship Year 2005.

Dengan kematian Park yang tidak diduga itu, banyak pihak telah menyuarakan rasa khuatir mereka terhadap kes bunuh diri di Korea Selatan. Ini kerana, negara tersebut telah mencatatkan kadar kes bunuh diri yang semakin meninggat sejak beberapa tahun kebekalakangan ini.

Pada 2 Oktober 2008, artis terkenal Choi Jin-Sil juga ditemui telah menggantungkan diri di bilik mandi rumahnya.Sebelum itu, pada 8 September 2008, suaminya, Ahn Jae-hwan yang merupakan pelawak terkenal ditemui mati di dalam keretanya.

Tubuh Choi Jin-Sil telah ditemui oleh adik lelakinya, Choi Jin-yeong. Dia yang turut melibatkan diri sebagai aktor dan penyanyi kemudian telah mengambil keputusan untuk membunuh diri pula pada 29 Mac lalu.

Kematian Choi Jin-yeong itu dipercayai berpunca akibat daripada rasa tekanan dan depresi setelah kematian kakak tersayangnya.

SEOUL: Pelakon drama televisyen popular Korea Selatan, Winter Sonata, Park Yong-Ha ditemui mati semalam, dipercayai membunuh diri.

Mayat Park, 33, yang juga penyanyi ditemui tergantung dengan wayar pengecas bateri telefon bimbit di rumahnya di Seoul.

Bagaimanapun, polis masih berusaha menentukan punca sebenar kematiannya.

Park mula berlakon pada hujung 1990-an dan membintangi Winter Sonata pada 1992.

Drama itu turut diminati oleh penonton di Jepun dan Asia Tenggara.

Dia pernah mengadakan beberapa konsert di Jepun dan antara peminatnya ialah bekas wanita pertama negara itu, Akie Abe.

Tidak ada nota bunuh diri ditemui tetapi Park dikatakan memohon maaf berulang kali pada keluarganya ketika menghantar SMS kepada bapanya yang sakit tenat akibat barah perut. - AP

SEOUL 30 Jun - Pelakon dan penyanyi popular Korea Selatan ditemui mati dipercayai akibat membunuh diri hari ini kerana tertekan dalam menguruskan kariernya, kes bunuh diri terbaru melibatkan individu berprofil tinggi di negara ini.

Aktor itu juga dilaporkan menghadapi tekanan kerana terpaksa menguruskan bapanya yang sakit.

Park Yong-ha (gambar), 33, dipercayai 'mengikut gerak hati' dan menggantung diri menggunakan kabel elektrik perakam video di kediamannya di Seoul beberapa jam selepas pulang dalam keadaan mabuk, demikian menurut kenyataan Balai Polis Gangnam.

"Kami merumuskan adalah jelas bahawa dia membunuh diri," jelas kenyataan itu.

Tiada nota bunuh diri ditemui dan Yong-ha tidak mempunyai masalah kesihatan seperti tekanan perasaan atau masalah kewangan.

Polis, bagaimanapun berkata, Yong-ha tertekan kerana sukar menguruskan syarikat hiburan dan kariernya pada ketika bapanya menderita kanser perut.

"Mungkin saya yang lebih tenat daripada kamu, bapa. Saya minta maaf. Saya minta maaf," kata Yong-ha kepada bapanya ketika melawat bapanya sambil disaksikan ibunya, yang dipetik daripada kenyataan polis.

Mayatnya ditemui oleh ibunya.

Yong-ha juga dilaporkan memberitahu rakan setugasnya minggu ini bahawa 'kerja adalah sukar dan kehidupan seperti ini payah untuk dilalui'.

Dia sebelum ini setia menjaga bapanya berusia 62 tahun yang uzur dan mengambil pil tidur bagi mengatasi masalah insomnia.

Aktor kacak ini memulakan karier lakonan pada lewat 1990-an dan merupakan barisan pelakon dalam drama televisyen terkenal Winter Sonata, siri yang mendapat sambutan hangat di Jepun dan Asia Tenggara termasuk Malaysia. - AP

*Park yong ha depressed sebab ayah dia pengidap kanser.. kesian dia kan? sedangkan sehari sebelum dia mati, dia call kawan baik dia dengan suara yang ceria but after mid night jumpa ayah dia terus sedih dan dia ulang kali sebut 'i'm sorry'.. mungkin tak sanggup tengok penderitaan ayah dia kot.

*park yongha memang dah lama ada masalah,tapi dia simpan sorang2.
insomnia dah 14tahun.
masalah bisnes lagi, bapa dia sakit lagi.

tapi tak sangka pengakhiran dia macam tu.

In particular, people are responding that they cannot understand why he committed suicide in a situation where he is planning to film a new drama from the end of next month and he is actively performing as a singer in Japan.

Park Yong Ha's close friend working in the music industry said, I could not feel any psychological anxiety from him when I talked on the phone with him on June 28. We actually had plans to meet yesterday, but we could not see each other, and I heard that he would visit Japan today due to his schedule in Japan. Then, how could this kind of thing happen to him? But, he disclosed that Park Yong Ha used to take sleeping pills as he could not sleep well at night. He said, I do not know whether he had suffered from depression, but I know that he usually depended on sleeping tablets for sleeping at night; he was in distress as he could not sleep well.

Writer Kim Eun Sook, who worked with Park Yong Ha when he appeared in the drama On Air, also said, When we talked on the phone about twenty days ago, he was very happy about beginning filming a new drama. He had a very pleasant voice at that time. Is it true that he died? I really cannot believe it.

Park Yong Ha had actively participated in performances in Japan as a Hallyu actor and singer, and he also appeared in the movie The Scam and the drama A Mans Story in Korea last year. He had also shown enthusiasm about his new drama Love Song, which will begin filming from next month.

One of the production staff members of Love Song said, I do not know how a person with no problems can do such thing. He was actually very busy with performing in Japan and Korea and he came and went between the two countries. Everything had been going very well with his works, so I do not know what happened to him.

People in the entertainment industry mostly said that they do not know whether he suffered from depression or not, but they all agreed that Park had been under pressure due to his fathers struggle against stomach cancer and the establishment of his own entertainment management company.

A person in the entertainment industry expressed his opinion, After Park Yong Ha personally established the management company, he might have suffered from the heavy responsibility involved in running the company. Also, he must have had anxiety about his popularity because even though he is very popular right now, he could lose that popularity some day.

Actress Song Yoon Ah, who acted with Park in drama On Air, said, I had a bad dream today, and I finally came to hear this bad news about him. I had received his phone calls from Japan... She was choked up and could not continue to speak.

Source: KBS Global

Chief investigator Kwak Jeong-hee at Gangnam Police Station gives a briefing
on singer and actor Park Yong-ha's death on June 30, 2010 in Seoul, South Korea.

Police have officially announced suicide is the cause of singer and actor Park Yong-ha's death. Park was 32.

Chief investigator Kwak Jeong-hee at Gangnam Police Station gave a briefing on Wednesday afternoon, declaring that Park died of suffocation early in the day after hanging himself from the cord of his camcorder's charger that he had hung to the top of his bedpost.

Kwak however, dismissed reports claiming that Park took his life from depression or problems he had related to taking sleeping pills for 14 years. "We were able to confirm that he had recently taken some pills although we do not know if it was after he got home last night. Nevertheless, it is unrelated to the cause of his death," Kwak explained.

Police were also unable to find any indications of financial or health related issues nor discover a memorandum on his recent thoughts or a suicide note.

However, for the past few days Park had confessed to his acquaintances that "both work and life are tough," asking to talk again after he had organized his thoughts.

Also, upon arriving at home past midnight after yesterday after drinking, Park had apologized to his father, close to tears, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I should be the one in pain, not you." Park's father has been diagnosed with late-stage stomach cancer and Park, a devoted son, was in agony over his father's illness.

Kwak added that the actor had taken sleeping pills on several occasions after finding difficulty in falling asleep from having to juggle his business as the CEO of his own agency YONA Entertainment, creating new businesses and pursuing his singing and acting career.

"Based on the testimonies, we are assuming that Park committed suicide on impulse after drinking from stress over his father's illness, his business and entertainment career," Kwak stated.

Park was discovered by his mother at 5:30 a.m. at his house today after he had taken his life. Police presume Park died around 3:00 a.m.

Park, who debuted as an actor in 1994, gained popularity throughout Asia after appearing in "Winter Sonata", a drama that first started the Hallyu craze, alongside top actors Bae Yong-joon and Choi Ji-woo.

He also led a successful singing career in Japan where he placed several albums within the top 10 ranks of the Oricon charts and won four consecutive Japan Gold Disc Awards.

Most recently, he had been set to star in the small screen adaptation of legendary Hong Kong pic "Comrades, Almost a Love Story," across actress Yoon Eun-hye.

He was on a brief visit to Korea this week while on a three-month long 16-city tour in Japan starting last week.

Below are excerpts from the Q&A session of the police briefing.

Q: Had he drank a lot when he took his life?
A: He was under the influence of alcohol when he returned home after midnight on the night of his death. According to his father, he did not drink a lot but a little.

Q: Did you carry out an autopsy?
A: The family of the deceased do not want one. This means that they too do not have any questions over the cause of his death.

Q: Why did his mother open the door to his room at such an early hour?
A: His mother goes to sleep early and Park often went home late. So it is his mother's habit to open the door to her son's room early. She had opened the door early today too.

Q: Was he under a lot of stress over his father's illness?
A: Investigation showed that Park treated his parents well and was the type who is affectionate. He had told his acquaintances many times that he is extremely distressed about the process of his father's fight against the disease.

Q: He was said to have taken sleeping pills over an extended period of time.
A: It was never stated that he took them for an extended period. It has not been confirmed whether he took sleeping pills on May 30 but he did take a few recently. But it has nothing to do with the cause of his death. The cause of his death is suffocation.

Q: Did he not have any financial issues?
A: We do not investigate into one's financial standing when dealing with a death.

Q: Are you sure there was no will?
A: We looked at the notebooks and belongings in his room but we could not find anything which could be considered a will.

Q: Was he suffering from depression?
A: There was no indication either that he had health issues or was suffering from depression.

Q: What about love issues?
A: Nobody has said he had such issues.

Q: Has the case been closed?
A: We handed over the case to prosecutors regarding his body we did not carry out an autopsy on. We have also handed over the body to the family of the bereaved and the case has been closed.

Q: Did you investigate into his phone call records?
A: We got hold of his mobile phone but he had deleted records of his calls. I think he did it himself. The text messages were still there.

Q: Why did he come to Korea when he's on tour?
A: He visited because of his father's illness.

Reporter : Ko Jae-wan star@ Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@ <©10Asia All rights reserved>

Park Yong-ha 'Suffered Stress and Depression'

Park Yong-ha

The actor and singer Park Yong-ha had parted ways with his former manager and was under stress running his own business before he was found dead in an apparent suicide Wednesday morning, sources in the entertainment industry say.

Park had split with his manager, who became the head of an entertainment agency, late last year and often talked about his disappointment in relationships with people when he began managing his own affairs. He appears to have suffered added pressure when he found out that his father had cancer, several of his acquaintances said

Police said Park had hung himself on his bedpost with an electrical wire. His mother, who found the body, called emergency services immediately, but it was too late. Police said suicide was the most probable cause since there were no signs of forced entry or a struggle. Park left no will or suicide note to give a clue to the motive.

Two or three days before his death, Park apparently told friends that his work and life were "too difficult." Police heard testimony from Park's friends that he suffered from insomnia due to stress and was taking sleeping pills. According to the wishes of the family, no autopsy will be conducted.

Park had returned to Korea on Saturday for a brief stay after a series of successful concerts in Japan marking the release of his new album. He had been busy meeting with friends and associates on the day before he died. On Tuesday he returned home around midnight after drinking with friends and spoke with his father, who is in the terminal stage of stomach cancer, massaging his back and legs. Park is said to have cried and told his father he wished he was the one who was sick.

Police believe his suicide was impulsive. One executive at an entertainment agency who was close to Park said, "He often seemed sad and gloomy because of his father's illness."

His father, Park Seung-in, was an album producer in the 1970s and 80s and a manager for several popular Korean singers. His showbiz background had a profound influence on his son. Park debuted at the age of 17 in 1994 in an MBC TV drama. He rose to fame after appearing along with Bae Yong-joon and Choi Ji-woo in the hit TV series "Winter Sonata" and received the Golden Disk award in Japan for four consecutive years since 2005.


Asia stunned as South Korean TV star and singer Park Yong-ha kills himself
Leo Lewis From: The Times July 01, 2010

THE death of one of South Korea's top young stars has stunned millions of fans across Asia and left a nation once again bewailing its sky-high suicide rate.

Park Yong Ha was found dead at his home in Seoul yesterday, hanged by the slender cable of his mobile phone charger. Park, 33, who was midway through a singing tour of Asia, was among a small cadre of South Korean stars who dominate the domestic film and television scene.

No suicide note was found but the immediate cause of the actor's misery appears to have been the strain of caring for his terminally ill father.

His death is the latest in a series of young celebrity suicides that began with the death of Lee Eun Joo, the film star, in 2005.

Three years later Choi Jin Sil, widely regarded as the country's most accomplished actress, took her own life. This year Jin Young, her actor brother, committed suicide.

Suicide rates in South Korea are exceptionally high. Health Ministry figures suggest that the national rate is 24 suicides for every 100,000 people.


So Ji Sub kept watch at Park Yong Ha’s wake

by heartfacee on July 1, 2010 @ 1:54 AM (EDT) · 16 comments


So Ji Sub was a good friend of actor Park Yong Ha, who committed suicide yesterday in Seoul and he was amongst the celebrities that attended his wake the same day and caught the attention of the public through his tears.

Many stars were there to send off the actor and offer their condolences to his immediate family but it looks like So Ji Sub was not able to let go just yet.

The two regularly named each other as their best friends when they were asked who their best friend was on TV shows or through interviews. Because of the strong friendship they shared, So Ji Sub was the first celebrity to arrive in the morning of the 30th and stayed overnight at the wake to keep his friend company.

When the wake was being moved to another floor in the building, he was there to help carry the body. The friendship seems to be continuing on even if they are in different worlds now. Park Yong Ha’s funeral procession will take place tomorrow.

Actress Kim Hyun Joo also turned up this morning to visit her friend again.

FACTBOX - Key facts about actor Park Yong-ha
Jessica Kim

Park Yong-ha, a Korean actor and singer, died on Thursday after committing suicide in his house by hanging himself from the cord of his camcorder charger. He was 32.

Following are some key facts about his life and career:

* Park Yong-ha was born on August 12, 1977. He graduated from the College of Media, Performing Art and Imaging Sciences at Chung-Ang University.

* He was the son of Park Seung-in, famed music producer during the 1970-1980s and manager to some of Korea's top veteran singers including Song Chang-sik, Yang Hee-eun and Jung Su-ra. Senior Park is currently suffering from late-stage stomach cancer.

* Debuted in 1994 through public network MBC's "Theme Theater" and made big screen debut in 1998 through "If It Snows on Christmas."

* Career took off in Korea and throughout Asia after starring in smash-hit TV series "Winter Sonata" alongside Bae Yong-joon and Choi Ji-woo in 2002.

* Other TV series included "Loving You," "On Air," and "The Slingshot" while films included "Although it is Hateful Again 2002" and "The Scam."

* Launched singing career in Japan in 2003, winning an award for best new artist at Japan's Golden Disk Award in 2005 to make him the first Korean to win an award at the event. He won awards for four consecutive years; for song of the year in 2006 and best asian artist in 2007 and 2008.

* Established his own agency YONA Entertainment in 2008.

* Mini-album "Once in a Summer" released in July 2009 reached No. 14 on Japan's prestigious Oricon weekly chart and fifth full-length album "STARS" released in June 2010 reached No. 16 on the chart.

* Had kicked off three-month long 16-city tour starting June 19 to promote "STARS."

* Was set to star in "Love Song," a small-screen remake of legendary Hong Kong pic "Comrades, Almost a Love Story" alongside actress Yoon Eun-hye which was scheduled to go into shoot in a month.

* Appointed as goodwill ambassador of non-governmental organization Good Neighbors in August 2009. Visited the Republic of Chad in Africa over several occasions to carry out volunteer work including donating money to help build a school there under his name, YONA SCHOOL.

Jessica Kim jesskim@ <©10Asia All rights reserved>

So Ji Sub at St. Mary's Hospital in Seoul. He is crying so much for his friend!

updates from Dramabean:

* The evening prior to his death (29th), Park missed a meeting with drama producers for his upcoming project Love Song. His manager couldnt get in contact with him.
* One producer said that they had seen Park occasionally in a down mood, but attributed it to news of Parks father suffering from cancer.His father recently moved back home from the hospital after his stomach cancer was deemed late-stage.
* Park reportedly died from hanging. He was found by his mother in his room with a cell phone cord around his neck.
* Around 12:40 am, he was with his father, massaging his fathers legs.Park told him I'm sorry over and over. He then went into his room, where he was found in the morning.
* Producers of Love Song are in panic mode because Parks passing leaves them without a lead. Yeah, eff you producers.
* Park had said in an interview that he suffered from depression, which was exacerbated by prolonged promotional activities abroad.
* One friend says, There's no way to know the real reason, but when I met Park a few months ago, he seemed depressed. His fathers illness made things worse.
* Parks Story of a Man co-star Park Shi Yeon (currently acting in Coffee House) reportedly received a huge shock from the news and is in very bad condition. She is so distraught that there's concern she won't be able to continue filming.
* Park Shi Yeon spoke with Park on the phone yesterday, but thought he sounded normal.
* And the media frenzy begins. That photo is from outside Parks home.
* The parade of celebrity visits is also just beginning, with stars coming to pay their respects to Park, whose body was transferred to a Kangnam hospital. Its morning in Korea now, and this will likely continue all day. I wont be posting on it, but you can rest assured there'll be plenty of media there as well.
* His death is even more perplexing because he had made plans to meet friends later in the day.
* Parks last phone call (or one of his last) was reportedly with DBSK's Hero Jaejoong, with whom he'd grown closer as he gave the latter advice about pursuing singer activities in Japan. Jaejoong is currently recording in the U.S. and said, I spoke with him on the phone yesterday, and his voice sounded so bright. I didn't feel he was at all different from his normal self. We agreed to have a drink together when I got back to Korea. Im in such shock.
* Parks last twitter message was posted Saturday the 26th( and was about the World Cup. We lost.But they did well. clap clap clap~ Everyone, lets clap with warm hears for our national soccer team, who return with heavy steps. Good job!!
* Park had just come back from a tour in Japan. The day before that(the 25th), he tweeted, How could they know to come to the airport and see me, and at such a late hour? ^^ I didn't tell anyone but how could they know? keke. Impressive~ Anyway, thank you for coming to see me!!Tomorrow at the concert Ill have to ask, Who came to the airporty esterday?~~ keke See you tomorrow ^^

SEOUL - Pelakon Korea Selatan yang juga seorang penyanyi terkenal di Jepun, Park Yong-Ha membunuh diri di rumahnya di sini semalam ekoran tekanan kerja dan tanggungjawab menjaga bapanya yang menghidap kanser perut.

Mayat bintang berusia 33 tahun itu ditemui oleh ibunya dan polis percaya dia menggantung diri dengan wayar elektrik di dalam biliknya.

Insiden itu berlaku beberapa jam selepas dia pulang ke rumah dalam keadaan sangat mabuk.

"Kami mengesahkan bahawa dia membunuh diri," kata satu kenyataan polis.

Dia tidak berdepan dengan masalah kewangan atau kemurungan.

Namun, polis menyatakan Yong-Ha mengalami tekanan kerana dia perlu menguruskan syarikat hiburan dan kerjayanya sebagai pelakon serta penyanyi semasa bapanya berdepan dengan kanser perut.

Sebelum dia ditemui mati, pelakon itu sempat memberitahu bapanya dengan meminta maaf dan menyatakan dirinya yang lebih sakit.

Dia memulakan kerjaya lakonan sejak tahun 2002 dan mula popular selepas membintangi drama bersiri Winter Sonata.

Kerjaya nyanyiannya cemerlang di Jepun apabila 10 album popularnya dipasarkan dalam tempoh lima tahun.

Dia dijadualkan memulakan penggambaran drama Korea,Comrades, Almost A Love Story pada bulan ini. - Agensi

mana x Jisub x sedih...dah ler diorg bestfriend..lagi diorg pun tinggal di apartment yg sama...

kesian sgt kat SJS nie..

p/s : walau masa cite winter sonata aku betol-betol tak suka dia sebab bagi aku dia macam
sebuk ganggu hubungan hero dengan heroin tu...aku ingat hero yg lagi sorang
rupanya mamat nie hah napa lar nak bunuh diri walau stress macam mana sekali pon
perlu ke untuk bunuh diri...?? Apa-apa pon Rest In Peace dah itu jalan yg kau pilih
makin sedih lar bapak ko.....!!!! video last nie semua pi tengok suara latar belakang
lagu winter sonata sedih plak mendengar nya.....aku dapat tahu masa pagi tadi kol 3:45 am
kat astro awani hero winter sonata park yong ha mati bunuh diri ingat kan main-main
rupanya betol-betol sayang nya pergi bunuh diri dah ler muka ensem...PYH kalau kau
rasa dengan mati kau boleh aman pergi lar...lgpn jalan bodoh yg ko guna nie
tak best atleast ko kahwin and ada anak ada jugak pewaris semua harta kau ( kalau ada )

sumber: forum cari, google......

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