Friday 25 June 2010

♥ Sesuka Sesuki ♥

1)The phone rings.What is your ring tone?

Two is better than one

2)Did you go anywhere yesterday?

Ya, i pegi dating miahahahahaha

3)Who was the last person you shared beds with?

Hari-hari orang yg sama iaitu bibik's

4)Favorite drink?

milo ais, soya beans, coklat, strawberry milkshake errr banyak la

5)Does the person you like know that you like them?

ntah tak tahu and tak da jawapan untuk soklan ini

6)Last time you talked to your mom?

baru jek tadi sebelom mum masuk tidur

7) Where are you right now?

bilik kakak gedix

8)If you HAD to kiss the last person you kissed, would you?

ada lor my mum dengan peparaz....cecakir jauh cucah nak kish

9) Favorite gadget in the kitchen?

semua tak suka hahahaha

10) Favorite pie?


11)How is your hair?

panjang lurus dan lembut hahahahaha

12)Where's the last place you walked to?

City Square dengan apa ntah tempat tosei

13) Last time you had a sleepover?

hurmmm hari-hari kot

14) What are you doing?

baking life...

15)Have you been in a car accident?

no harap-harap jangan ler berlaku mintak dijauhkan

16)What is the last thing you said aloud?

dua ari lepas pasal bergado

17) Who's the 1st person on your missed calls list?

ermmmm tak dek

19) What did the last text message you received say?

kat luar

20)Last time you went to the beach?

lama dah tak pegi sejak-sejak tsunami

21) Story behind your friendster song?


22) What's bothering you right now?

Fahrin Ahmad


23)Wallet: black

24) Eyes : brown

25) Life: happy

26) Doing this weekend to come.?



baju tido colour grey pic tucing



29) Listening to.?

cerita Fahrin

30) What do you smell like.

perfume, something yg wangi

31) Do you sleep sideways, facing up or down?


32) Do you like seafood.?


33) Do you play soccer.?


34) Do you consider yourself as a study freak.?


35) Do you speak another language other than English.

ye lah kot

36) What did you do last night.?


37) What do you hate.?

kawan tikam dari belakang, org yg bodoh cuba memusnahkan hidup org ....

38) Orange or apple juice.?


39) Who were the last people you went out to lunch with.?

tak dek sapa

40) Last thing you ate.?


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